We embroider onto a wide range of fabrics for a variety of purposes. Make your business instantly identifiable with embroidered clothing.
The end of the school year is fast approaching. While your thoughts may be turning towards the six-week holiday, for schools and colleges it’s time to think about the students you’ll be saying ‘goodbye’ to at the end of the year.
Many of the students will have been with you since their first secondary school days. They’ll have spent the last seven years of their lives attending school, and moving on can be both an exciting and emotional time. Why not give them a memorable gift in the form of a school leaver’s hoodie?
Personalised jumpers, T-shirts and hoodies are increasingly popular for students leaving schools. They allow them to commemorate their time at school, remember friends, and even strengthen their home-town identity when arriving at university. It gives the students a strong sense of unity, connecting them together as the school’s ‘Class of 2016’.
Of course, leavers’ hoodies also give you an additional opportunity to freely promote your school. Include your school’s name and logo on the jumpers to advertise your organisation, as well as to strengthen the bond between school and students.