Five Star Embroidery & Design York

We embroider onto a wide range of fabrics for a variety of purposes. Make your business instantly identifiable with embroidered clothing.

01937 832 579 / 07917 247 472

Transforming your artwork into stitches for precise embroidery

Digitising is the conversion of your image into stitches, ready for embroidery. We take your company logo, branded artwork, image, or initials and convert them into a stitch file. This file is then ready for sewing onto your garment.

Digitising is a careful process that requires a great deal of accuracy. We consider the material we’re embroidering onto to understand how the fabric may affect the design and adjust our stitch patterns accordingly. This ensures that you achieve a neat, accurate finish.

Sometimes, we may need to simplify a logo or design. An emblem that looks ideal on a business card may need a few minor tweaks to ensure that it will look clean, professional and identifiable once embroidered. Of course, before we begin to embroider, we’ll email the digital file across to you, or transfer the design onto sample cloth, for approval.

There is a small set-up fee for digitising. However, this is a one-off charge. Once your design is finalised, there’ll be no additional charge for digitising for future orders, unless you wish to change the original design.

Once your image or logo is set-up, your design is in place and can be easily replicated. Whether you need an additional football shirt for a new team member or a new school blazer, your design is ready to be embroidered onto a new product quickly and efficiently.